Reacting To Austin Rivers And NBA Players in NFL

Written by mateo on
Reacting To Austin Rivers And NBA Players in NFL

this is a reaction piece to austin rivers and the 30 nfl players and 30 nba players.

original quote

first things first talking about it

my thoughts

football player here. i love this topic.

i think ‘we’ are answering the question ‘what position would this guy play on the football field”.

but we think we are answering ‘who could play in the nfl”.

when you talk about starting lineup in the NFL on sunday. ionno. that’s diff.

assuming a nickel defense. the’ 3 * 32 = 96 starting professional cornerbacks on the entire planet.

Just b/c Player X gets buckets don’t mean that he can run combo coverages and form tackle and everything else at the level of one of the starting 96 on the planet. in the NFL…. the highest level.

he gotta take somebody spot. who is already doing it together.


and it’s a different kind of strength. and how long you gave them to do it. and what possessed skills (if any) are transferable.

i like this kinda sports hypothetical.

zion as one of the hoggies is the one i ‘buy’ the most.



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