i'm all nba in the sheets. my sex is elite.

Written by mateo on
i'm all nba in the sheets. my sex is elite.

i think i'm all-nba in the bedroom.

nobody cares. but i think i’m all-nba in the bedroom.

i’ve written books on it.

people have paid me to teach them. people have paid to have it.

what i’m trying to say is…

i’m also all nba in software dev.

but i really wanna get into sex work.

i was telling this to someone and they said i should do onlyfans. and now i’m actually thinking about it.

i like… don’t even enjoy sex. but i’m visciously good at it.

and when i say i’m all nba.

i legit think i’m top 30 on the planet.

dead ass serious.

a thought

i’m like goku. i never go 100%. if i go 100% imma make a girl go crazy.

so i don’t go full power.

basically i’m saying i’m a formula 1 car.

and u can’t floor this thing. cuz you’ll wreck a bitch.

maybe i love me some me…

and in all seriousness… i consider me and my body a ferrari. go figure.

in my planning docs and “todo list”. there is a section for “the embassy” (my apartment) and a section for “the ferrari” (my body).

did i mention the top 50 part?



top scores and top floors