key spanish about being a writer [flirting]

Written by mateo on
![key spanish about being a writer [flirting]](/assets/imagery/athletics/combat/shadowclones/andersonsilva/sitting.jpg)
Writer Terminology (Spanish - Colombia)
Term (Spanish) | Definition (English) | Example Sentence (Spanish) |
Escritor(a) | Writer (masculine/feminine) | Ella es una escritora famosa. (She is a famous writer.) |
Novelista | Novelist | Gabriel García Márquez fue un novelista colombiano. (Gabriel García Márquez was a Colombian novelist.) |
Cuentista | Short story writer | Mi hermano menor quiere ser cuentista. (My younger brother wants to be a short story writer.) |
Ensayista | Essayist | Anya Perez es una ensayista reconocida. (Anya Perez is a renowned essayist.) |
Articulista | Columnist | Juan escribe como articulista en un periódico local. (Juan writes as a columnist for a local newspaper.) |
Guionista | Screenwriter | Ella trabaja como guionista de cine. (She works as a screenwriter for movies.) |
Redactor(a) | Copywriter | Necesitamos contratar a un redactor(a) creativo. (We need to hire a creative copywriter.) |
Freelance | Freelancer | Soy escritor freelance y trabajo desde casa. (I’m a freelance writer and I work from home.) |
Writer Terminology (Spanish - Colombia)
Term (Spanish) | Definition (English) | Example Sentence (Spanish) |
Artículo | Article | Este artículo trata sobre el cambio climático. (This article is about climate change.) |
Negocio editorial | Publishing business | El negocio editorial ha cambiado mucho en los últimos años. (The publishing business has changed a lot in recent years.) |
Obra completa | Complete works | Esta edición reúne la obra completa del autor. (This edition brings together the complete works of the author.) |
Libro extenso | Big book | Escribir un libro extenso requiere mucha dedicación. (Writing a big book requires a lot of dedication.) |
Libro corto | Little book | Prefiero leer libros cortos en el transporte público. (I prefer to read little books on public transportation.) |
Folleto | Pamphlet | Repartió folletos para promocionar su taller de escritura. (He handed out pamphlets to promote his writing workshop.) |
Writer Terminology (Spanish - Colombia)
Term (Spanish) | Definition (English) | Example Sentence (Spanish) |
Anuncio de Facebook | Facebook Ad | Su última novela se promocionó con un anuncio de Facebook. (Her latest novel was promoted with a Facebook ad.) |
Comercial | Commercial | El comercial del nuevo libro es muy atractivo. (The commercial for the new book is very attractive.) |